2021 Provincial volunteer week
The call for nominations for the 2021 Volunteer Representative is now complete. Thank you for your interest. Please check back in February 2022 for details on next years nomination process.
Antigonish facility allocation project – request for proposals
The Antigonish Facility Allocation Project is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to:
- Describe the current state of facility booking, utilization and allocation by existing sport and recreation facilities in Antigonish Town and County;
- Review best practices for both facility booking, utilization and allocation in Nova Scotia and beyond; and
- Make recommendations based on local conditions and best practices.
The Project is in partnership with the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, the Town of Antigonish, the Strait Regional Centre for Education(SRCE), St. FX University and Ecole acadienne de Pomquet. These groups collectively own and/or manage a total of 24 bookable sport and recreation facilities including gymnasiums, fields, ice surfaces and a pool.
To see the full “Request for Proposals” document, please click here.
Multisport Registration Postponed
Both the registration and program start dates for the Multisport program will be delayed by 2 weeks in recognition of the continued limits on sport and recreation gatherings.
Registration for this program is now scheduled to open JANUARY 26th at 6AM. The program is now scheduled to begin on FEBRUARY 4TH.
Looking for a Space To Rent For Your Recreation Group?
If you are part of a recreation group that is struggling to find indoor space to rent due to COVID-related facility closures, check out the following link of facilities in Antigonish Town and County currently accepting rentals.
Nova Insights
If you are contacted within the next few weeks by Nova Insights, please take some time to respond to this very important survey.
Antigonish Active Transportation Corridor Survey
Please take 5 minutes and complete this short survey on the proposed facility types for the proposed Antigonish Town & County AT corridors. Your feedback is very important to us.